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Sign up to become a volunteer! 


Our event could not happen without the help of our amazing volunteers! As a volunteer, Not only will you receive our undying gratitude for donating your time to make our event possible, but you will also receive a free dinner at our pre-race volunteer meeting, as well as a free meal, beverage, and ice cream from our caterers the day of the event. In addition, you will be the guests of honor at The Last Best volunteer Thank You Dinner, hosted by us, the organizers! 


If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering with the event, SIGN UP TO BECOME A VOLUNTEER THROUGH OUR Volunteer Sign-up Spreadsheet.  If you are interested in being a host house you can also sign up here.


For any questions, PLEASE REACH OUT TO US THROUGH OUR contact email And we will respond as quickly as we can.

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